. Environmental and social responsibility

Engeco is highly aware of the impact its activities have on the environment and society and is committed to acting responsibly and sustainably. We integrate sustainability into every aspect of our projects and are committed to preserving the quality of life of Monaco residents. We also promote an inclusive and diversified working environment for our employees.


Environmental and social responsibility is at the heart of Engeco's approach. We are determined to minimise our ecological footprint by adopting eco-responsible construction practices and using environmentally-friendly materials and processes. 

"We have signed up to the National Pact for Energy Transition. "

We are committed to making a tangible contribution to reducing Monaco's greenhouse gas emissions. By promoting energy efficiency and waste reduction, we are helping to preserve natural resources and combat climate change.

"Several of our projects have been awarded recognised environmental certifications, including HQE®, BREEAM and BD2M. "

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Engeco focuses on the well-being of its employees by creating a stimulating and respectful working environment where everyone has the opportunity to develop and flourish professionally. Diversity and inclusion are key values for our company, and we make an effort to implement policies and practices that promote equality of opportunity and success for all our staff.

We regularly organise Health & Safety training for our employees working on construction sites. To ensure our staff are in possession of all the knowledge and skills needed to work safely, we offer a wide range of training courses delivered by qualified professionals, covering safety procedures, good practice and the appropriate use of personal protective equipment, as well as first-aid training for dealing with emergency situations. 

"Through these initiatives aimed at promoting and developing a 'Prevention and Safety Culture' within our company, we undertake to provide a safe working environment and to protect the health of our staff. "

Engeco has set up a programme with the OPPBTP to promote safety within the company, and has organised training courses and ongoing prevention monitoring with its HSE department.

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